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STAUFF Clamps in Data Center Cooling Systems

Learn how STAUFF Standard Series Clamps Support Data Center Cooling Systems

Jenna Lee

STAUFF Clamps in Data Center Cooling Systems

Learn how STAUFF Standard Series Clamps Support Data Center Cooling Systems

Jenna Lee

Within the past decade technological advances have skyrocketed making accessibility to information, communication, and business easier than ever. In a technology driven world data centers are vital to safety and to accurately conduct business and communicate using technology. These facilities, that have been establishing themselves around the globe, are becoming increasingly prevalent the more we utilize technology in our everyday lives.


These facilities house servers, storage systems, and networking equipment in one controlled and central location. This ensures that there are effective operations, reliable security, and dependable connectivity. Because these data centers are housing valuable technological equipment, the facilities must maintain consistent temperatures. Data centers have intricate cooling systems that run throughout the whole facility to create a cool and dry environment that ensures the optimal integrity of all the equipment as they produce large amounts of heat while running.

In order to keep data centers functional, cooling systems are installed throughout the facility to help combat the mass amounts of heat the equipment produces while in service and to ensure the systems integrity. It is extremely important that the technology and the cooling systems are working together without physically interacting. The STAUFF Standard Series Block clamp has become an excellent solution. The STAUFF Standard Series Pipe Clamps ensure that all cooling pipe work is secured safely and in an organized manner as to not interfere with the equipment. 


Data Center use the STAUFF Standard Series Polyamide Profiled Clamps in their cooling systems. These clamps are easy and quick to assemble and offer tension clearance allowing for security and optimal performance. The inner design of the clamp offers noise dampening properties, absorbing vibrations allowing for optimal performance and a quieter work environment.


STAUFF designed the Standard Series Polyamide Profiled Clamps with resistance and durability in mind. When constructing data centers, including preventative measures are pivotal in every area of construction. The specialty Polyamide Clamps are designed for preventative fire protection. The polyamide material is a flame-retardant plastic and has a temperature resistance up to 248 °F. This helps minimize the potential loss of IT equipment and data if a fire erupts within the facility. 

The STAUFF Clamp product range offers a comprehensive range of clamps, fit for a wide variety of applications. To learn more about the STAUFF Standard Series Polyamide Profiled Clamps visit the product catalog at Catalogue 1 - STAUFF Clamps  and discover the advantages of STAUFF Clamps when you visit Original STAUFF Pipe Clamps for Hydraulics According to DIN 3015 | STAUFF (

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Jenna Lee
Digital Marketing Specialist at STAUFF North America
Jenna Lee